Brenda Bowser

Contact Information

Office: McCarthy Hall 426D
Phone: 657-278-8567

Brenda Bowser



PhD, University of California Santa Barbara

Recent Courses

Introduction to Archaeology (ANTH 103), Peoples of Native North America (ANTH 321)


Bowser, B.J., Zedeno, M.N. (editors). 2009. The aracheology of meaningful places . University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT. 

Jennings, J., Bowser, B.J. (editors). (2009). Drink, power and society in the Andes . University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Stark, M.T., Bowser, B.J., Horne, L. (editors). 2008. Cultural transmission and material culture: Breaking down boundaries . University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. 

Bowser, B.J., Patton, J.Q. 2004. Domestic spaces as public places: An ethnoarchaeological case study of houses, gender, and politics in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 11(2):157-181.

Bowser, B.J. 2004. Prologue: Toward an archaeology of place. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 11(1):1-3.

Bowser, B.J. 2000. From pottery to politics: An ethnoarchaeological study of political factionalism, ethnicity, and domestic pottery style in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 7(3):219-248.