Contact Information
Office: McCarthy Hall 061
Phone: 657-278-5764
PhD, Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University
MA, University of Kentucky
BA, California State University, Long Beach
Recent Courses
Non-Western Cultures and the Western Tradition (ANTH 100), Introduction to Archaeology (ANTH 103), Introduction to Anthropology (ANTH 105), Anthropology of Religion (ANTH 305), Prehistoric North America (ANTH 383), GIS and Archaeology (ANTH 418), The Ancient Maya (ANTH 423), Aztecs and Their Predecessors (ANTH 424), Archaeology of Settlement Patterns (ANTH 427), History of Anthropology (ANTH 480), Contemporary Anthropology (ANTH 481)
Wendt, C.J. 2017. Olmec Manifestations in the San Lorenzo Countryside. In The San Lorenzo Olmec and their Neighbors: Material Manifestations, edited by Jeffrey P. Blomster and David Cheetham, pp. 65-88. Cambridge University Press.
Wendt, C.J., Bernard, H.N., Delsescaux, J. 2014. A middle formative artifact excavated at Arroyo Pesquero, Veracruz. Ancient Mesoamerica 25(2):309-316.
Wendt, C.J., Reyes, R. L. 2011. Investigating the Arroyo Pesquero Olmec. Mexicon 33(3):73-79.
Wendt, C.J. 2010. A San Lorenzo phase household assemblage from El Remolino, Veracruz. Ancient Mesoamerica 21(1):107-122.
Wendt, C. J. 2009. The scale and structure of bitumen processing in early Olmec households. In Housework: Specialization, risk, and domestic craft production in Mesoamerica, edited by Kenneth G. Hirth, Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 19(1):33-44.
Wendt, C.J., Cyphers, A. 2008. How the Olmec used bitumen in ancient Mesoamerica. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27:175-191.
Wendt, C. J. 2007. Los Olmecas: Los primeros petroleros. Arqueología Mexicana (septiembre-octubre de 2007) (Cultura Olmeca) 15(87):56-59.
Wendt, C.J., Lu, S.T. 2006. Sourcing archaeological bitumen in the Olmec Region. Journal of Archaeological Science 33(1):89-97.
Wendt, C.J. 2005. Using refuse disposal patterns to infer Olmec site structure in the San Lorenzo Region, Veracruz, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 16(4):449-466.
Wendt, C.J. 2005. Excavations at El Remolino: Household archaeology in the San Lorenzo Olmec region. Journal of Field Archaeology 30:163-180.
Wendt, C.J. 2003. Buried floodplain deposits at Tres Zapotes: The results from an auger testing program. In Settlement archaeology and political economy at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico, edited by Christopher A. Pool, pp. 32-46. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California at Los Angeles.